Massage: Good for body and soul

Massages don’t just help your body, they are therapeutic for your soul as well. A good massage relaxes your mind and soothes your spirit. But this centuries-old healing technique can also help maintain your body’s health. Massage therapy, the systemized manipulation of soft tissues, may reduce your heart rate, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, increase your range of motion and increase endorphins, the brain’s natural chemical stress and pain blockers.

Massage can increase immune function in women diagnosed with breast cancer within the past five years. Relieve severe menstrual symptoms and reduce leg and back pain in pregnancy, lessen the pain and length of labor, and lower the likelihood of postpartum depression. With good relaxation massage is possible to decrease depression, anxiety, stress, pain and insomnia in women with chronic fatigue syndrome. Massage may also help lower blood pressure, lower the effects of job stress, and reduce itching, pain or anxiety experienced by burn care patients.

So, if you have never had a massage-or just view it as an occasional treat try it more often to help your body and your spirit.

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